Séminaire « Entreprises, régions de productions et marchés en Europe, XIIIe-XVIIe siècles »
ENS, 45 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris, salle de l’IHMC (escalier D, 3e étage)
Mercredi 15 juin 2016, 17h-19h
Maryanne KOWALESKI, Joseph Fitzpatrick S.J. Distinguished Professor of History and Medieval Studies at Fordham University, New York, et Directeure d’études invitée à l’EHESS
La conférence donnée par Maryanne Kowaleski aura pour thème :
Les formes changeantes de rétribution des marins médiévaux
(Changing Forms of Compensation for Medieval Mariners)
Abstract : This paper traces changes in how mariners (including shipmasters, pilots, common seamen, fishers, and lowly cabin boys) were compensated for their work aboard ships in medieval England from the thirteenth to early sixteenth centuries. The “shares system” and portage (Fr. mareage, Sp. quintalada) dominated the fishing and carrying trades in the earlier period, but was increasingly replaced by set wages, a development influenced by economic, political, and technological changes.
Retrouver le programme des conférences données par Maryanne Kowaleski à l’EHESS.