Archives de l’auteur : La rédaction

[Article] Reconstruire des réseaux d’affaires à partir de sources comptables : des exemples toscans (XIVe-XVIe siècles) (Ingrid Houssaye Michienzi)

Ingrid Houssaye Michienzi, « Reconstruire des réseaux d’affaires à partir de sources comptables : des exemples toscans (XIVe-XVIe siècles) », dans H. Bresc dir., Réseaux politiques et économiques, Paris, Édition électronique du CTHS (Actes des congrès des sociétés historiques et scientifiques), 2016, p. 123-134.

Le fonds Datini des archives de Prato et le fonds Salviati de la Scuola Normale Superiore de Pise, tous deux en Toscane, comptent parmi les plus riches fonds d’entreprises de la première modernité européenne. Continuer la lecture

[Intervention] Marchands florentins et trafics caravaniers : une connexion à travers les négociants juifs dans la Méditerranée du XVe siècle (Ingrid Houssaye Michienzi)


Capture d’écran 2016-05-25 à 13.55.51


La communication a pour but de présenter comment les marchands florentins réussissaient à accéder aux trafics caravaniers transsaharien et du Moyen-Orient grâce à des relations d’affaires tissées avec des artisans, négociants et boutiquiers juifs sur les places commerciales de Ciutat de Majorque et de Brousse (Anatolie). Elle sera basée sur la documentation laissée par des compagnies d’affaires florentines, croisées avec d’autres sources disponibles pour le Maghreb comme pour l’Empire ottoman. Il s’agit notamment des deux fonds majeurs que sont les archives Datini et Salviati en Toscane.

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[Intervention] Why did Europe conquer the world? (Philip T. Hoffman, Nadia Matringe)

Intervention de Nadia Matringe (LSE) au  « Séminaire de l’IHMC »  qui aura lieu le 4 décembre de 10h à 12h (ENS, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris, salle de l’ IHMC, esc. D, 3e étage).

Présentation par Philip T. HOFFMAN de son livre,
Why did Europe conquer the World (Princeton University Press, 2015).
Discutante Nadia Matringe.

[Intervention] Yellow dyes of historical importance IV. Sawwort (Serratula tinctoria L.) and weld (Reseda luteola L.) in the Florentine Dye company “Francesco di Giuliano Salviati e Comp., tintori d’arte maggiore”, 1483-1498 (Dominique Cardon, Ingrid Houssaye Michienzi)

Dyes in history 34 - copieDyes in History & Archaeology 34,
University Ecclesiastical Academy of Thessaloniki, 21-24 octobre 2015

This presentation is the continuation of several former presentations at DHA meetings: it is the fourth part of the first author’s series “Yellow dyes of historical importance” (DHA 13, 14 and 16/17) and it offers a focus on the yellow dyes that allowed the Salviati company of Arte della Lana (specializing in broadcloth production) to export so many green broadcloths to Constantinople and the Ottoman Empire, as presented last year at DHA 33 in Glasgow. Continuer la lecture

[Intervention] Cross-Referencing Data in Account Books and Textile Fragments (Suzanna Lassalle)

Exploring_Early_Modern_Dress - copieDans le cadre de la conférence inaugurale du projet Dressing the Early Modern Network

Communication de Suzanne Lassalle :
« Cross- Referencing Data in Account Books and Textile Fragments »

Exploring Early Modern Dress : The Merits and Challenges of Diverse Sources.
Inaugural Dressing the Early Modern Network Conference
Dutch University Institute for Art History (NIKI) Viale Torricelli 5, 50125 Florence Italy,
Saturday, 1September 2015.
Programme de la conférence inaugurale du 19 septembre 2015 (pdf).

Argumentaire de la conférence :
The field of early modern dress history draws from a variety of sources in order to map out fashions and trends within the confines of readily available early modern source materials. The analysis of a vast range of sources is done in the context of an interdisciplinary research where different research fields and schools of thought collide and emerge in the form of dress history. Pictorial representations of early modern dress together with surviving garments, garment fragments and textiles form some of the obvious tools from which information is drawn and pieced together. Archival sources, including house inventories, account books and sumptuary legislation, among others, have also consistently been employed to verify the various types of garments used in the early modern period. However, while each of these sources have their definite merits, they also pose considerable challenges due to the fact that they can sometimes be fragmented. The conference aims to generate a discussion about the benefits and advantages, as well as the limitations and constraints that the plethora of these diverse sources pose in order to build a solid platform from which researchers can draw conclusions about early modern dress history.

[Arezzo 2015] Programme du VIIIe Atelier doctoral, 29 juin-3 juillet 2015

Arezzo2015 - copieProgramme de l’atelier doctoral d’histoire économique d’Arezzo, « Sources pour l’histoire économique européenne (XIIIe-XVIIe siècles)  : De la source aux réseaux » (29 juin-3 juillet 2015).

Pieghevole Italiano-3
Pieghevole Francese-2

D’une durée de cinq jours, la huitième session de l’Atelier doctoral d’Arezzo aura pour thème l’analyse des sources qui permettent d’analyser la constitution des réseaux marchands dans l’Europe préindustrielle, thème depuis longtemps traité par l’historiographie.
Conformément à une tradition bien ancrée de l’Atelier doctoral, les présentations porteront sur des sources manuscrites de première main, en particulier celles qui sont issues de la pratique des grandes compagnies bancaires et commerciales. La thématique concernera le rôle des structures familiales et entrepreneuriales dans l’organisation européenne des échanges. Conduite en termes d’emboîtements des espaces économiques et de leur appropriation par des réseaux clairement définis, l’analyse privilégiera les informations que  fournissent les sources comptables. Continuer la lecture

[Article] A companhia Salviati-Da Colle e o comércio de panos de seda florentinos em Lisboa no século XV (Joana Sequeira)

MedioAevo - copie

De Medio Aevo, vol. 4, 2015/1

Joana Sequeira, A companhia Salviati-Da Colle e o comércio de panos de seda florentinos em Lisboa no século XVDe Medio Aevo, 7, 2015-1, p. 47-62.

La revue De Medio Aevo est sur le web en accès gratuit.

Os agentes da companhia Salviati-Da Colle estão presentes em Lisboa desde 1462, dinamizando uma intensa actividade de importação e exportação. Os panos de seda italianos eram uma das principais mercadorias transaccionadas. Com base num registo de uma extensa conta de venda de panos de seda de 1464-65, analisam-se os tipos de tecidos, as suas cores, preços e os respectivos clientes, constituídos na sua maior parte por nobres e mercadores judeus. O objectivo é o de identificar algumas das tendências de consumo da Corte portuguesa e os mecanismos de acção comercial utilizados por esta companhia no mercado lisboeta. Continuer la lecture

[Intervention] Os livros de contas do mercador Michele da Colle (1462-63) (Joana Sequeira)


O Número, tapeçaria de José de Almada Negreiros, património do Tribunal de Contas

Dans le cadre de la IV ENCONTRO INTERNACIONAL LUCA PACIOLI DE HISTÓRIA DA CONTABILIDADE  (Lisbonne, 18-19 juin 2015) sur le thème  « Lisboa, partidas dobradas três décadas antes de Luca Pacioli », Joana Sequeira et Ana Clarinda Cardos ont présenté les registres de comptabilité de Michele da Colle  :

Os livros de contas do mercador Michele da Colle (1462-63)

Em 1462, o mercador pisano Michele da Colle instala-se em Lisboa, onde permanecerá durante vários anos, desenvolvendo uma interessante actividade comercial e bancária em articulação com a companhia pisana, gerida pelos seus familiares, e com outras companhias toscanas. Durante a sua estância em Portugal, Michele anotou o registo dos seus negócios em vários livros de contas, dos quais sobreviveram apenas dois, que se encontram hoje depositados no Arquivo Salviati na Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa. Continuer la lecture

[Intervention] Observations sur les conséquences financières d’une crise politique : l’expulsion des Florentins de Venise vue de la comptabilité Salviati, 1451-1454 (Matthieu Scherman)

Istituto F DatiniDans le cadre de la XLVII Settimana di Studi de l’Istituto Datini sur le thème « Le Crisi finanziarie : Gestione, implicazioni sociali e conseguenze nell’età preindustriale » (Prato, 10-13 mai 2015),  intervention de Matthieu Scherman   :
Observations sur les conséquences financières d’une crise politique : l’expulsion des Florentins de Venise vue de la comptabilité Salviati (1451-1454)

I Fiorentini avevano fatto da Venezia il maggiore centro finanziario ma, nel giugno del 1451, il Senato decide di estrometterli. Il fatto politico è conosciuto. Però, non c’è stata una riflessione economica e finanziaria, ma anche di gestione economica di una crisi politica. La destabilizzazione del mercato dei cambi europei non è stata assai messa in rilievo. Un segno dell’importanza economica della faccenda è la celerità con la quale i Fiorentini sono richiamati a Venezia (dopo la pace di Lodi nel aprile 1454).
I registri contabili della famiglia fiorentina dei Salviati offrono uno punto di osservazione privilegiato della situazione provocata dalla decisione politica. Continuer la lecture

[Intervention] Credit Reallocation and Trade Finance in the Early Modern Age: The Fair Deposit (Nadia Matringe)

Doing Business with Strangers - copieAu colloque Doing Business with Strangers (Yale University, Whitney Humanities Center, 1-2 mai 2015), intervention de Nadia Matringe :

Credit Reallocation and Trade Finance in the Early Modern Age: The Fair Deposit


This paper analyses the private records of a prominent bank in 16th century Lyons, that of the Salviati, to examine the role of the fair deposit in the financing of international trade. The fair deposit appears to be a flexible clearing instrument sustaining the auto- financing of European big business. The credit mobilized through deposit is mostly derived from international trade and banking, where it is instantly re-injected. Investments are stimulated by the numerous advantages offered by the Lyons fairs – ie. licit lending at interest, alternatives for investments, possibilities of purchases and rapid transfers – and by the confidentiality of Italian banks, which preserve the anonymity of their most important clients.
On the other hand, loans made to local and foreign businessmen nourish the trade of commodities and, above all, the exchange business abroad, conferring on Lyons a central position in the European trade and payment’s system. Such form of deposit banking is closely related to the development of banking firms working mostly on commission. However, the active role of these banks in organizing Lyons’ market as well as the interchangeability of positions between principals and agents, lead to a reexamination of the concept of financial intermediaries.

[Intervention] Livres de comptes et réseaux d’affaires : les fonds Datini et Salviati (XIVe-XVIe siècles) (Ingrid Houssaye Michienzi)

140e Congrès du CTHS, tenu à Reims sur le thème «Réseaux et Société», 27 avril-2 mai 2015 (Reims)

Le fonds Datini des archives de Prato et le fonds Salviati de la Scuola Normale Superiore de Pise sont les deux plus riches fonds d’entreprises de la première modernité européenne. Ils permettent la reconstruction d’importants réseaux d’affaires florentins parcourant les espaces européen et méditerranéen de la fin du XIVe et au XVIe siècle.
Les modus operandi apparaissent très clairement dans les livres comptables, permettant de reconstruire les interactions entre les compagnies d’affaires florentines, les opérateurs des places qu’ils fréquentaient et les réseaux fonctionnant à longue distance, dont les acteurs intervenaient dans un même environnement régional. À travers l’exemple de la compagnie Datini de Majorque et de la compagnie Salviati de Constantinople, il sera possible de prendre la mesure du lien étroit entre reconstruction de réseaux et comptabilités d’entreprise.
La communication cherchera, à travers des exemples concrets d’opérations commerciales, à définir une méthodologie permettant, à partir de telles sources, de reconstituer des réseaux d’affaires parcourant l’Europe et au-delà.

[Intervention] Commission trading and the transformation of Florentine business organization (Nadia Matringe)

Commission trading and the transformation of Florentine business organization during the sixteenth century
Nadia Matringe

texte publié le 30 juillet 2014

Communication présentée au 18th annual Congress of the European Business History Association (EBHA 2014, Utrecht), Session « The Organization of Business in Early Modern Europe ».

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[Intervention] Apprenticeship of Florentine merchants-bankers (Matthieu Scherman)

ESSHC - copie

Apprenticeship of Florentine merchants-bankers: the example of the 15th century London Salviati bank.
Matthieu Scherman (EFR)

texte publié le 30 avril 2014

Communication présentée à l’European Social Science History Conference 2014 (ESSHC 2014, Vienne), Session « Learning and Training Patterns of Skilled Labour Force in Preindustrial Europe (14th-18th Centuries) ».

This paper aims to examine how Fiorentine merchants were trained to succeed in the bank business. The Salviati, from the Florence’s nobility, operated a bank in London from 1444 to 1445. After Florence and Pisa, London is the third bank to be opened, before Bruges. Thus, the network designed by the family linked Mediterranean and Northern Europe. Thanks to the documentation available, such as the accounting books and the tax declarations, it is we have gained a greater understanding of how people developed their skills as merchants-bankers.

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[Texte libre] Résumé de thèse. L’entreprise florentine et la place de Lyon: L’activité de la banque Salviati au milieu du XVIe siècle (N. Matringe)

Lyon_Braun_Hogenberg - copieL’entreprise florentine et la place de Lyon : l’activité de la banque Salviati au milieu du XVIe siècle
Résumé de thèse, Nadia Matringe

Texte publié le 1er février 2014

According to a long historiographical tradition, which culminating in R. Gascon’s monumental 1971 study on Lyons, Italian businessmen completely dominated Lyons’ economic life in the 16th century. Paradoxically, this perspective holds the field despite a lack of adequate extensive research into the archives of Italian firms: the precise modalities of their intervention in the marketplace remain largely unknown. Certain crucial aspects in particular have been neglected, such as their banking practices — which are difficult to extract from notarial, juridical or fiscal sources. Their analysis through the bankers’ private records require a technical and tedious scrutiny, which can often deter many an academic historian. The adaptation of Italian firms to the pre-existing local economic structures, which was a sine qua non of the durability of their presence in the marketplace, also failed to arouse the attention it deserved. Nevertheless, these issues are essential to understand the functioning of the firms and the marketplace − which is why I have found it necessary to re-examine the role played by Italian firms in Lyons, using the archives of one of the most important of them in the 16th century: the Salviati Bank.

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